How to Make a Customer Satisfaction Survey
A customer satisfaction survey, also sometimes called a Net Promoter Score™ is one great way to measure engagement. It allows the customer to tell you how happy they are with an aspect of your business.
Although you can make a satisfaction scale in many different ways, today we will show you how to do it as a numerical scale.
How its Done in Blitzen
Create a new form ( how to create a new form)
Give it a name like "Rate our service / product / anything you want rated"
In the form description write some guidelines on how to use the rating scale. So it will look a little something like this:
Then drag in a drop-down field
And add all of the options. In our example we will include all of the numbers from 0 - 10.
To edit the field simply click on it and write the options in the available text boxes For help editing fields see this article.
The result should look a little something like this:
Notice that in our example there is no field name. (A field name would normally appear above the field / question). The decision to have one there comes down completely to personal preference. If you want to remove the field name go into the 'Labels, Instructions, & Placeholders' dropdown and un-check the box which says 'Add Label Text'.
To add it back, simply check the box.
Click 'Close Me' to save and close.
Great work!